Workshops and Retreats

Winner of a 2018 Episcopal Evangelism Grant, Evangelism With Integrity is a day-long training workshop for clergy and lay leaders. Evangelism With Integrity challenges Episcopalians to consciously divorce evangelism from its toxic legacies of spiritual violence, colonialism, imperialism, and Christian malpractice. Participants reimagine evangelism as the practice of reducing fear and building spiritual intimacy both inside and outside the congregation. There is a seven-week follow-up email series with videos reemphasizing key concepts, scripture with reflection questions, and practical evangelism tips and challenges. Graduates of the program are encouraged to report back their evangelism experimentation via #evangelismwithintegrity.
Jesus asks 307 questions in the Bible and only answers 3. Grapple with Jesus’ questions—“Where is your faith?” “What were you arguing about on the way?” “Why are you weeping?”–as a means of deepening your relationship with Christ and your call to discipleship.

This day-long retreat leads cis and trans women through exploring American orthodoxy and orthopraxy around their bodies—who society says we are and how we should treat ourselves around appearance, weight, age, sexuality, gender identity, race and ethnicity, ability/disability, motherhood and fertility. Participants, through scripture study, then imagine how Jesus wants them to see and care for their bodies, followed by writing and using in worship a Creed and Covenant of Women’s Living Incarnation modeled after the Nicene Creed and Baptismal Covenant.


Senior VBS

Senior VBS is a week-long program that explores discernment of call in retirement and how the post-work years are a rich new field for discipleship, with the addition of songs, crafts and games from childhood Vacation Bible School for an element of fun. Amplified by outside speakers on law, health, finances, and grief and loss, this program strives to lead seniors to deep spiritual reflection on what it means to be an elder and leader in the community.

–All workshop and retreat graphics by Ms. Meghan McConnell