Archives: Romans 13:11-14

Sewing the Armor of Light



Kerchunk, kerchunk.


“Mom, can I look at your buttons?”

“Yes, dear, you can play with the button box as long as you clean up what you spill.”


“Today on Oprah, a breakthrough in healthy weight loss.”

“Merideth, don’t let the twins put buttons in their mouths, they might choke.  Whitney, come over here and let me hold this up to you.  I think you’re having a growth spurt.”

“Okay.  Mom, why can’t I have white like Maggie’s dress?”

“Because you look so pretty in green.  And look at this beautiful lace for your collar.”

“I want beautiful lace too!  Mooommmm!”

“Merideth, your dress will be lovely, and do not make me ask you again to keep those buttons away from the twins.”



Chooga-chooga-buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Continue reading